Posted by Emilee Crissa Bryant I am sure we have all had our share of Kanye West. //]]>, Sorry, we have to make sure you're a human before we can show you this page. Literally. Wire Elon Musk Explains the Genius of Kanye West The famed Tesla and SpaceX CEO wrote about why the musician deserves to be one of Time magazine's 'most influential people.' Michael Michalko, author of several of several books on creativity, claims another sign of genius is the ability to reformulate established concepts into novel ones — another project the rapper has owned. Last year, Pitchfork's Jason Greene argued about "Kanye West and Why the Myth of 'Genius' Must Die," writing, "The larger cultural insanity of genius twists all of us." Kanye West may say he's a creative genius, but don't expect him to spell it out for you. He does speaks his mind a bit too often though (the hurricane, Taylor Swift, slavery). Part of genius is the work's ability to stand the test of time. On p. 138 of Raising Kanye, Donda West writes: And it's frustrating. Mensa, the most prominent high-IQ society, only accepts those in the top 2% of a population's IQ, though many Mensans would not consider themselves "geniuses. "No really great man ever thought himself so," wrote critic William Hazlitt in an 1826 essay. I don't think it will ever stop asking us questions. In the Renaissance, the Daily Beast reports in an article on Darrin McMahon's recent book Divine Fury: the History of Genius, the word came to have the meaning that we now recognize: highly developed talent or ability.Â, But many people mistake genius as specifically representing superior intellectual ability. Kanye West says he is considering legally changing his name to "Christian Genius Billionaire Kanye West." //
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