I should mention that the low season (Nov 20 - Dec 14, and Feb 1 - Feb 20) tends to have reasonably stable climbing weather; permit prices are lower then mostly because these early and late climbing windows don’t coincide with the Christmas holidays and as such are less busy. does this price ( USD 7-9000,-) include the park permit and ascent fee ?? Parce que ce n’est pas une montée très technique (la route du nord ne nécessite pas absolument de cordes et d’épingles), beaucoup croient à tort que ce sera une ascension facile. Hi Mark, Privacy | Terms | DMCA | Affiliate Disclosure | Site Map. C'est une ascension physiquement éprouvante, sans difficulté technique. La mayoría realizan la ascensión por la denominada "Ruta Normal" (también llamada Ruta Norte), que no presenta especiales dificultades técnicas. Make sure you bring a number of thick sealable bags, like freezer bags, to put your shitter inside. Unfortunately we are not a tour operator. Partez avec Tamera. We recommend that you budget between $800 and $1,200 if you plan to hire porters. Le programme est conçu pour que vous puissiez vous acclimater au mieux. 1. The money will be deeply appreciated by the staff who spend weeks from their families and are paid precious little if their employer is a cheapskate. Flights circle prior to descending at Santiago, which provides a fantastic views. Informations sur Aconcagua d’escalade Environ 60% des alpinistes qui tentent la montagne réussissent à atteindre le sommet. Sins range from gathering native wood to defecating in the open. Sin embargo, la gran altitud y las condiciones climatólogicas (clima frío y seco, con posibilidad de encontrarse con el "viento blanco" del Aconcagua) hacen que sea físicamente muy exigente. Hopefully this cost discussion provides a few helpful benchmarks - don’t hesitate to reach out or leave a comment with questions about any of the details above, or even about how to go about operationalizing an unguided budget climb. L’ascension de l'Aconcagua, une montagne exceptionnelle à bien des égards. Cheap operators are such because their gear is old, the food is poor, they have few radios and no access to weather services – so research if you wish to save, with references invaluable. Ascension d’un volcan, un sommet glaciaire … c’est avant tout une aventure humaine extraordinaire et une approche de la haute montagne. Aconcagua 360: how one of our AWEsome climbers describes her experience on the mountain, The True Cost of Climbing Aconcagua: A Climbing Budget Comparison, Aconcagua: An Introduction to the Normal Route, Think You've Got What It Takes? [Warning: do NOT attempt to climb Aconcagua on an accelerated schedule without the preparation and guidance of a high-end guide service like Alpenglow. There are about 3,500 climbers trying the summit each year (info from 2002). Here’s what the budget for that type of climb would look like: In short - if you and your climbing partner already own all the prerequisite gear (including double mountaineering boots, a four season tent and a -30F sleeping bag), can swing a climb during the low season, are willing to go unguided and carry pretty much all of you gear yourself once you are above basecamp… it is possible to climb Aconcagua for under $3,500 per person, door to door. Trek up the winding Vacas Valley to Aconcagua’s secluded eastern side, avoiding the larger crowds of the Ruta Normal. L'ascension de l'Aconcagua ne présente pas de difficulté technique, mais nous prendrons tout de même une paire de crampons légers et un piolet léger au cas où il y aurait de la neige dure dans la Canaletta. The Prittie letter was the most helpful. on a High Altitude Expedition. En esta ruta generalmente no se necesita piolet ni cuerdas, se asciende caminando. After completing the higher reaches you hand the bag in to the base camp team and can once again use normal toilets. Recevoir les actualités de l'agence. La traversée d'Est en Ouest de l'Aconcagua permet de découvrir les deux versants de la montagne. Le coût du permis d'entrée au parc de l'Aconcagua pour cette ascension est : De 800 USD en haute saison : du 15 décembre au 31 janvier. Climb Aconcagua with an experienced RMI Guide, benefiting from the background, training, and expertise of our guides as you venture to higher altitudes. Specific Training for Aconcagua. Aconcagua isn’t cheap; the climbing permit alone runs near $1000 (depending both on which route and time of year you choose for your climb), and then there are on-mountain logistics costs, gear considerations, guides, porters, and a host of other considerations. Located in the Mendoza Province, in Western Argentina, this majestic peak in the Central Andes is the highest mountain outside of the Himalayas, and the second highest of the Seven Summits.. Often undertaken as a preparation expedition for higher Himalayan peaks, climbing Aconcagua is … El ACONCAGUA es una de las montañas más visitadas del mundo, es el techo de América y de todo el hemisferio occidental.El deseo de coronar sus 6962 metros, atrae a gente desde los rincones más dispares del planeta. Evacuation is a response to life-threatening conditions such as serious oedemas, second and third degree frostbite and cardiac problems. We are fully prepared for your safety when you are in our care. Expédition réalisée du 5 au 14 Février 2010 : Départ : Horcones (2950 m) J1 : Montée à Confluencia Most packages cost something approaching US$3,500-US$5,000. Amérique latine > Argentine. The 'Normal Route' is non-technical - a walk-up, following the Northwest Ridge. Aconcagua: c'est le sommet des Andes (6 962 m) situé dans le parc provincial du même nom, proche de la ville de Mendoza et du Chili. Get the care you need now. Our site just provides free information for trekkers and climbers. If you lose the bag you will pay a fine of USD$200. Enjoy the comforts of excellent Base Camp facilities, great food, and a well outfitted expedition: all the small advantages that add up to a more enjoyable experience. Días Precio desde Consúltanos Una fascinante expedición a la cima del Aconcagua, la más alta de América, acompañados de experimentados guías de alta montaña que, además de acompañarnos en nuestro recorrido, nos transmitirán su experiencia y conocimientos adquiridos en décadas de ascensiones. As an Amazon Associate, Mountain IQ earns from qualifying purchases. I want to go for an expedition to aconcagua, took me with a team & tell me about time, date, cost & details, I also want to go for ojos del salado,or thank u, Hi, thanks for getting in touch. Yet, if you follow the popular Normal Route on the north west side, you can potentially make the long slog to the top without using crampons or ropes at all. Elle représente la montagne rêvée pour tous les montagnards qui veulent entrer dans le monde des hautes altitudes. Essaye de lire les livres de Richalet et consorts pour te faire une idée déjà. Yes, mules are pricey (~$500 for a 30kg load to basecamp, one way), but they are well worth the money. We will get back to you soon. The following letter from Willi Prittie applies to any route or guide service on Aconcagua – there is no easy way up. Reaching Mendoza will consume a fair chunk of the total cost of the undertaking. Read this article for a step by step to getting your permit. It doesn't need to be hard, but it can be. If you’d like to come join AWE for an ascent of Aconcagua please check out our expedition details for the Normal Route, the 360 Route and get in touch. All the best! Your email address will not be published. The preparation for these types of climbs involves special training and equipment including thorough pre-acclimatization through the use of hypobaric tents. Andrew is one of the senior writers at Mountain IQ. It will not be possible to get by with just three pairs of shorts, two Hawaiian shirts, a Patagonia rain coat and a cheap pair of hiking boots. Evacuation is a response to life-threatening conditions such as serious oedemas, second and third degree frostbite and cardiac problems. All the best! You guessed it, this must go in the bag as well. If you are traveling solo, up this number to $4,200-$4,500. La grande différence étant au niveau de l'équipement. Note: Alpine Ascents International highly recommends trip cancellation insurance for all programs. The permit absolves the Argentinian government of responsibility for your adventure and its cost covers the possibility of helicopter evacuation. (…) the two extreme cornerstones of the cost spectrum for an Aconcagua climb: $3,500-$4,000 for a barebones unguided climb in the low season versus ~$15,000-$18,000 for a top-end guided climb in the high season. About 3000 people a year attempt the summit, with only a 30-35% success rate. Can extras be hired to pack most of my personal gear. Pour avoir vécu une tempête sur l'arête SE de l'Aconcagua, je sais que je ne suis vivant que par chance. Hay otras opciones como la ruta glaciar de … You will at the very least need to be familiar with an ice axe and crampons. Es imprescindible ir bien preparado para el frío. A native of South Africa, Andrew has hiked and climbed all over the world. There are fines for misbehaviour on the mountain that range from $300 to $3,000. Hi Steve, $19.5k is way too much for Aconcagua. All ERs at Ascension hospitals are open 24/7 to care for major illnesses and injury. While this letter is 10+ years old, we feel it is still a great resource. The latter is not a thick bag and is prone to leakage! These can be avoided if you are Nice. Or more on the regular infractive intent? An additional recommendation for Santiago is that it has only one airport, while Buenos Aires has an international and a domestic one which are at least 45 minutes apart. 2) The savings that you are hoping to pocket from not hiring mules will be partially offset by a higher permit fee, as the government charges a premium to unsupported climbers to deter this type of approach. Obtenir un devis. Most companies employ porters and mules to help with the trek into Aconcagua and then porters for carries to the higher camps. The bag must be used as the only alternative to a toilet. Thanks, S. Hi Steven, On arrival at Plaza de Mulas / Plaza Argentina, you will be registered by the Ranger and given a numbered poop-bag! This will certainly be required if you take a technical path such as one of the Polish Glacier Routes. Then you must pay the tour operator. 4. Underestimating Aconcagua's challenges, since it is a non-technical climb. How many porters typically are with each person. Par contre si tu es acclimaté, prévoir l’ascension en 4 ou 5 jours AR depuis la route ne relève pas du délire. If you are seen doing your business without the bag you can get fined $100. Side note: ta the high camps during summit push many people go behind boulders to do their business! Hi Martin, yes, you can climb Aconcagua unsupported, but you will still need permits and it is worth taking a small crew and guide for support. The materials required can cost well over US$1000 upwards, however this should already be almost entirely a sunk cost, as you will not wish to tackle Aconcagua with key items of gear to which you are unused.